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Python eval() Function

In this python built-in tutorial, you will learn all about the Python eval function to evaluate the expression, If the expression is a valid python statement.

In our previous python tutorials, we have seen Python enumerate function to add a counter as the key of enumerate object.

Python eval() function.

Python eval function is a built-in function that is used to evaluate the expression if the expression is a legal statement.


The syntax of eval function in Python is:-

eval(expression, globals, locals)


The eval function accepts three parameters.

  • expressions:- A String, that will be evaluated as Python code.
  • globals:– Optional. A dictionary containing global parameters.
  • locals:- Optional. A dictionary containing local parameters.

Python eval function examples

In this example, we will use the python eval method to evaluate the valid python statement.

Example 1:

x = 'print("Welcome to Python")'

Output will be:- Welcome to Python

Example 2:

x = 12
y = 10
y = 2

result = eval('x + y % y ')

Output will be :- 11


So, In this tutorial, we have seen the python eval function to evaluate the expression, If the expression is a valid Python statement.

You can also execute simple arithmetic operations, using the eval function in Python. If this article helped you, please keep visiting for further python built-in functions tutorials.

Other Python built-in functions

For more information:- Click Here

Python chr() Function
Python globals() Function

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